To access your webmail account follow the below instructions: 1. Go to the URL of:...
It is important that you tidy up your mailbox regulary to avoid going over the limit of your disk...
When you access an email account through an email application such as Outlook Express,...
To filter email by specific matches: Go to the URL of: DOMAIN/webmail (e.g....
To forward a copy of your emails: Go to the URL of: DOMAIN/webmail (e.g.
On your email account there is an option to manage the disk usage. Once logged into Cpanel,...
SPF or Sender policy framework, is an anti spam facility introduced on the 31st october 2004. It...
For Mac Mail Users: Open Mac Mail Right click on your mailbox, click edit 'mailbox name' Go...
The Worthers Spam Filter is a smart and reliable filtering solution. Not only does it protect...